Could Loan Structuring Be Better Than A Rate Cut?

Our Assignment

Business Owner seeking lower interest rate gets even more! Loans in portfolio are:

  • Home loan
  • Business loan
  • Commercial property

What Did We Do?

1. We refinanced the business loan and most of the commercial property loans and saved approximately 2% p.a. or $14,000 each year. Even the commercial loans that we could not refinance under the residential security, we saved 1.3% p.a. or $6,500 each year. Total savings $20,500 each year.

2. We found the business loan (tax deductible of course) was structured to be repaid over 15 years. The monthly repayments included principal reductions that we thought were better directed to repaying the non-deductible home loan and the client’s accountant agreed. We went to work and based on current rates and repayments, the home loan will be repaid in 9 and half years.

The joy and benefit of paying off your home could not possibly be measured in $’s!

Think We Can Help You?

Let us review YOUR finances to see what can be do for YOU! We would love to start a conversation with you:

  • Talk to us now on 1300 HARZED (427 933)
  • Contact us